Monday, October 20, 2014

Concept Development Hybrid Models


Using the more successful models from the pervious assignment create three "hybrid" models using the chosen models as the starting point.
I chose the following three models as the basis for my hybrid models.

The following are the hybrid models that were created.

Combing elements from all three models led to this hybrid. It's simple, but striking and elegant. One thing I don't like is how the side with the tower is empty and unsupported.

This model is based on the shards that we see in the second model above. They interlock at the edges, meandering all around, to create volume and define space.

All three models are incorporated into this hybrid model as well. There are sticks, shards, folding, and string, but while I like it as a sculpture—and appreciate that it can be placed in many orientations—I don't think it would work as a basis for a building.


  1. There is something enticing in the simplicity and elegance in these models. Pick one that you think would fit your program and site best, and bring it to scale.
    Can't wait for the next step.

  2. I enjoy the fact that you played with different levels and shapes. I can see some of your models develop into your final model.

  3. Great effort.
    There are some really good conceptual models in there. Let's see how that translates into an actual building.
    Keep up the good work.
